
Welcome to AstroCoachAcademy, the home of psychological astrology tools for coaches.

Astrology is an ancient art. It is not fortune telling. One of the foundational tenets of astrology is that humans are influenced not only by their genes or their social environment but also by the cosmic systems within which they live. We are part of the larger cycles of the universe, and as such, we are subtly impacted by them.

Carl Jung, the father of modern psychology, used to set up a chart for his patients to reveal insights into their psyche. In psychological astrology – a type of astrology that largely borrows from Jung’s work – we use the planets (signs and houses) to gain insights into human (individual and collective) behaviour. A chart is  metaphor for the play of your life. The planets (energies or daimons) are the actors, the signs are the clothes they wear, the houses are the domains where the scenes take place and the aspects show how the actors communicate and relate to each other.

By interpreting the planets, their qualities and their relationships, we get valuable insights into a person’s psyche and behaviour.


Andy Warhol


Visit the blog to learn a few basics of chart reading. If you are curious about your own chart, check the Psychological Astrology session page, or contact Helene at AstroCoachAcademy@pm.me


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