Archive for April, 2011

Love Thy Neighbour

We talked about aspects in the past few posts. One more thing on that. You may wonder how do we know whether 2 (or more) planets are “in aspect” (or “aspecting each other”). What is the criteria to determine that they can communicate with each other? Is it because of their nature? Is it for […]


You’re Not The Boss Of Me

Have you ever had the experience of meeting someone and communication just flows? You understand each other without efforts? The conversation brings you new insights, you feel supported, encouraged and, in turn, you support and encourage. Your ideas are valued and recognised. And have you ever had the exact opposite experience? No matter what you […]


Communication Is Key

Following up on the post “Introduction to the astro chart”, there is one more thing you want to know about planets. They communicate with each other. Let’s have a look at the astro chart again. You see the planets around the zodiac (represented by the circle). Then, you can see lines running within the inner […]


Introduction to the Astro Chart

This is a quick introduction to the Astro Chart. We will go more in depth into this in another post down the road. Basically, there are 3 concepts you want to understand: – Planets – Signs – Houses This is what an astro chart looks like: Everything is there. By the way, this is a […]


Different Charts Styles

There are many different types of astro charts. Astrologers have been casting charts for different purposes and in different syles. A quick survey of google images shows a wide variety of styles. I use what is called the ‘French’ style. You will find the style that suits you. I find that once you are used […]



Astrology is an ancient art that has been practiced for thousands of years. The real significance of a chart draws into deep esoteric roots and have to do with the essence of the relationship between Humans and the universe. I want to say this right now: at its core, Astrology is not about prediction (although […]