Communication Is Key

Following up on the post “Introduction to the astro chart”, there is one more thing you want to know about planets. They communicate with each other.

Let’s have a look at the astro chart again.

Planets Communicate

You see the planets around the zodiac (represented by the circle). Then, you can see lines running within the inner limits of the circle from one planet to the other. Those are called ‘Aspects’ between planets, and essentially, it tells you:
1. that 2 (or more) planets are having a conversation,
2. and whether the conversation is flowing smoothly or not.

Why is it important to understand?

Well, just think about real people for a moment. Say you are faced with a dilemma or a problem, you have been thinking about it all by yourself for a moment, but you do not seem to see an answer. If you have no access to anyone, you’ll need to keep thinking about it all by yourself, maybe sleep over it and see whether an insight comes up the next morning. If you have a phone, you can call an expert you know will be able to assist you, or talk to a friend who may be able to give some insight because they know you well. If you have online access, you can connect and get a much wider range of information.

It is the same for the planets.

To go back to the theatre play analogy we used in a previous post, the actors either appear on-stage alone, or pairs, or in larger groups. Each actor has his or her own character, they behave in certain ways, but their behaviour may vary depending on who they interact with. Their environment will highlight different sides of their personality. Say a King will probably not behave the same way at a dinner party and on the battlefield.

The relationship between planets, as indicated by the aspects, will therefore give many insights as to how the planets interact with each other, what sides of their ‘personalities’ come out more readily and the general environment they live in.

More on aspects coming next.

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